New waiting room on way for Moreton-in-Marsh station

Work to provide a new waiting room at Moreton-in-Marsh station is now under way.

Contractors demolished the exisitng 1960s structure on platform 2 on Thursday, September 13, paving the way for a new £400,000 building for the use of passengers waiting for trains towards London and Oxford. It has been specially designed for the site.

The glass-fronted building will be dual-purpose, with facilities for the CLPG and other community groups to hold meetings there.

It will also form a permanent memorial to Oliver Lovell, the founder and past chairman and promotions officer of the CLPG, who lived in Moreton-in-Marsh, and John Stanley, the group’s longstanding membership secretary and newsletter editor.

Money from legacies both men left to the CLPG is being put towards the cost of the project, along with substantial support from Great Western Railway’s Customer and Communities Improvement Fund and grants from local councils. 

A further memorial for John is being planned at Charlbury station. He lived in the town and used the station for many years.

The artist’s impression at the top of the page shows the exterior of the new building at Moreton-in-Marsh and the images in the story show the interior and the scene after the life-expired 1960s building was taken down.

The images of the new building are reproduced courtesy of GWR/AHR Building Consultancy.

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