Sunday 26 January
- Trains between Worcester Shrub Hill and Hereford will not run.
- Trains between Birmingham New Street and Worcester Shrub Hill/Worcester Foregate Street / Hereford will be diverted, to run between Birmingham Snow Hill and Worcester Foregate Street, and will not call at University or Bromsgrove.
- Rail replacement will operate between:
- Worcester Shrub Hill / Worcester Foregate Street – Hereford
Monday 27 January – Friday 31 January
- Trains between Worcester Shrub Hill and Hereford will not run.
- Trains between Birmingham New Street and Great Malvern / Hereford run between Birmingham New Street and Worcester Shrub Hill / Worcester Foregate Street.
- Rail replacement will operate between:
- Worcester Shrub Hill / Worcester Foregate Street – Great Malvern / Hereford
During the engineering works, access to the Ledbury station car park will be reduced from 10pm on Saturday 25 January until 6am on Saturday 1 February.
Further details on including video of route to bus stops from stations can be found on: –